Friday, August 31, 2018

ApolloChain Platform Ecosystem


New Internet technologies have contributed to the development of the cryptographic market. It’s no secret that we are on the verge of major changes happening in the world of information technology. With the advent of technology blockade in this field, huge financial resources from all over the world will come. Each was introduced to simplify the lives of millions of people. Currently, the popularity of these projects is increasing, so does the volume of investment. Climate change has become a serious threat to our planet. Every day, good people, until the government pay attention and try to change the way of consuming energy. Today, decentralized platforms that work with intellectual contracts are popular in many sectors – a great opportunity to provide users with optimal conditions for cooperation to ensure the security of all transactions.

ABOUT ApolloChain
ApolloChain implements Blockchain 3.0 technology to create its trading platform. Unregulated markets and market-oriented economies around the world, Apollochain can be applied in countries and territories through links and existing resources to create basic users who can become wholesalers, corporate energy buyers or individuals for direct transactions between parties, reduce trading costs centralized and excluding the loss of state value. In this case, the intelligent network with IoT (Internet of Things), Ai (artificial intelligence) and blockcheyn technology are the most important physical foundations to achieve all of these goals (together with Internet Energy)

Platform Features

ApolloChain allows all participants in the electricity trading process to make the necessary transactions in the best possible way, safely and quickly. At this platform level, suppliers can work directly with consumers by offering various services in the electric trading segment. If the parties agree – in the future, the security of the transaction will be guaranteed by the intellectual contract. All data is stored in block space because a decentralized platform allows you to protect users from loss of information or funds in other fraudulent schemes. That’s why investors think ApolloChain is really promising – this platform is able to solve all the problems that exist today in the electric trading segment.
What Are The Current Problems?
Each of us knows that electricity is a much sought after commodity, but the trade is done exclusively by centralized organizations. In addition, some external agencies – insurance, leasing and the like – are required to ensure the quality and security of all transactions. This allows us to identify a number of existing problems:
Transactional processes are too slow, they are overloaded with information, making it impossible to execute transactions as quickly and correctly as possible;
Huge costs associated with security;
Availability of additional payments to third parties;
The problem with the quality of transactions, a large number of existing fraudulent systems.
But ApolloChain promises to be a real panacea for such a promising segment.
Mission of ApolloChain In Decentralize Energy
While countries in the world are moving a lot to deregulate and use alternative energy resources, it would make sense to decentralize the energy industry by utilizing blockchain technology. This is what ApolloChain is doing in its platform.

Apollochain is built with “Fiber” from the Skycoin platform. ApolloChain this is a new energy trading platform, enabling users to be able to trade their renewable energy with each other. Smart electricity network or so-called Smart Grid, combined with IoT, AI, and also blockchain technology. So what many people call “internet energy” can be created.
The Main Task of ApolloChain In The Decentralization of Energy
Although countries in the world are moving strongly to deregulate and use alternative energy sources, it would be advisable to decentralize the energy industry using blockchain technology. That’s what ApolloChain does on its platform.
Apollochain is built with “Fiber” from the Skycoin platform. ApolloChain is a new energy trading platform that allows users to share their renewable energy. Intelligent power grid or so-called Smart Grid in combination with IoT, AI and Blockchain technology. So many people call “internet energy”.
With ApolloChain, owners of electricity producers, wholesalers, institutional customers and even individual consumers can directly exchange energy. One positive side is that it can reduce trade finance centrally and avoid losses from government prices.

Platform Capabilities
ApolloChain enables all participants in the electricity trading process to perform the necessary transactions safely and quickly in the best possible way. At the level of this platform, suppliers can work directly with consumers and offer them a variety of electricity trading services. If the parties agree, the security of the transaction will in future be guaranteed by a mental contract. All data is stored in the blockroom. Such a decentralized platform allows you to protect users from losing information or funds in another fraudulent system. Therefore, investors see ApolloChain as promising – the platform solves all the problems that exist today in power trading. Special opportunities are open to consumers using ApolloChain. Developers have added artificial intelligence that allows them to analyze the market to offer the most profitable solutions.

How it works, tokens ApolloChain – APL and how it will be appreciated in the future.
Within this platform, a token called Apollo Coin (APL) was created. The APL token function is electronic evidence of energy transactions performed by smart grids.

ApolloChain Platform Ecosystem
The main component on the ApolloChain platform is an energy trading platform built using blockchain technology. So that between buyers, sellers, and speculators can interact with each other using smart contract.

Users of ApolloChain can install “Smart Meter” device in their home. The device is a smart power meter that can track data of electric power usage more validly. With that data, smart power grids can be useful for reducing recharge costs, showing ways to reduce power usage, or lower other costs.

Whу New Enеrgу
Renewable gеnеrаtiоn iѕ one of thе fastest grоwing induѕtriеѕ in the wоrld.
In 2016, the tоtаl inѕtаllеd сарасitу of рhоtоvоltаiс (PV) роwеr ѕtаtiоn wоrldwidе exceeds 65GW with grоwth, while the accumulated installed сарасitу iѕ аррrоасhing 300GW with inсrеаѕе. As twо main рlауеrѕ in thе ѕоlаr induѕtrу, thе US ѕоlаr mаrkеt hаѕ уеаr-оn-уеаr capacity growth, аnd Chinа identically еxреriеnсеѕ ѕоlаr induѕtrу bооm by rеасhing аррrоximаtеlу 30GW inѕtаllеd сарасitу.
In the mеаntimе, thе ѕоlаr power generating соѕt hаѕ a furthеr decline duе tо the competition amongst еԛuiрmеnt mаnufасturеrѕ: reduction оn glоbаl lеvеliѕеd соѕt оf energy (LCOE) was rеаliѕеd in 2016 оvеr 2015 аnd ultimately maintained аt $100/MWh.
  • C.try 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
  • China 10 20 40 160 486 2568 3630 12920 10600 15000 30000
  • Japan 287 211 226 484 992 1296 2464 7092 10481 12100 10500
  • USA 98 167 297 438 929 1934 3311 4621 6312 8200 13000
  • UK 3 4 4 4 38 920 771 1082 2162 3300 1800
  • Germany 854 1274 1956 3802 7199 7485 7604 3304 1927 1800 1050
Nеw еnеrgу has the fаѕtеѕt growth with аnnuаl increase оf, and thе tоtаl inѕtаllеd сарасitу will bе double in 2020. Figurе 2.1 ѕhоwѕ the соnѕumрtiоn portion fоrесаѕt оf nеw еnеrgу wоrldwidе in 20304:
EU in раrtiсulаr will соntinuе lеаding thе new еnеrgу use. Until 2035, оvеr 1/3 еlесtriсitу gеnеrаtiоn in EU will bе роwеrеd bу the new еnеrgу
Whilе in thе solar еnеrgу filеd, ассоrding to KPMG’ѕ rеѕеаrсh, nеwlу increased сарасitу оf PV power station iѕ аnd will bе еxраnding with ѕignifiсаntlу growth frоm 111.68GW in 2012 tо 3695.64GW bу 2040

  • ApolloChain APL Token & ICO Details
  • Token Name: ApolloChain Token (APL)
  • Token Type: ERC20
  • Payment: The APL Token will be sent to your ETH wallet
  • Total supply: 100,000,000 APL token
  • Pre-ICO sales period: May 5, 2018 – June 15, 2018
  • Price: 1 ETH = 2,200 APL
  • Soft cap: 1,500 ETH
  • Cryptocurrency received: ETH, BTC
  • Distribution Program Token and Bonus

ApolloChain intends to achieve a soft cap and follow the following token distribution strategy:
  • Distributed through ICO – 40%
  • Founding team – 30%
  • PR and marketing – 20%
  • Operation Apollo Foundation – 5%
  • Community rewards – 5%


For more information:

Whitepaper : http: //

My ETH Address : 0xcBa9A3AC842C203eAAA4C7Cb455CFf50cEe30581

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Webercoin platform is a source of income


Dear reader, Just as my usual practice of bringing valuable and profitable information across your way, let me quickly give you information about this great innovation known as “Webercoin “. Please sit down and relax your nerves as you read. Also, I encourage you not only to read, but also to take an important step as part of this great innovation.

Webercoin is a decentralized project that has beneficial value to potential investors or investors is one of the projects that will grow rapidly, as the swings in the exchange of digital assets at the beginning of this year have increased significantly. The definition of this network uses a completely unique theme from other platform platforms around the world, has an equilibrium value and an investment process that has a profit value exceeding the capital needed for modern digital asset trading. Webercoin is a platform of blockades, which for the first time introduces a unique creative idea in the symbolic market of the economic economy, which can begin to trade in person and on a platform for the exchange of digital assets.

Webercoin is one of the results of the development of the blockbuster industry that has experienced good performance and excellent ideas based on a system that directly opens up opportunities for investors to be more open with symbolic investments. Being one of the first platform platforms to be generated, this company wants to realize and help investors to worry more about the economic weakness that many are suffering in the world in the concept of mutual assistance as investments that can be exchanged by registered users in this block chain. Some Important Points of the Webercoin PlatformThis will be the moment when most registered investors or potential investors who start their business on this platform will be in business.

Respond to terms and conditions on the Webercoin platform is a source of income that will ensure the balanced value of a mutually beneficial ecosystem between buyers and sellers. In this case, if the investor is an economic concept that has an average probability greater than the return on investment capital, symbolic sales will be more common among investors who want to make a profit on this platform. Being able to contact the following projects is a huge effort in a legal and safe project for trading tobacco products and tokens in the pulp and paper industry, starting to work and performing a balanced analysis system in one of your own tactics and ideas directed by many investors. Webercoina decentralized platform for blocking, which is aimed at creating investments that affect the positive side of managing the funds that will be invested in this platform; in other words, this platform is a place for investors around the world.

Webercoin presented at the beginning of the year in a commercial encryption company that has certain characteristics, with many and high current commercial crypt markets that dominate the market. company WebercoinBecome one of the great companies that have great success in the future. Trading in the world of crypto currency has never eluded the growth and fall of fluctuations in the value of its currency and currency exchange, it is something that is natural for commercial crypt companies, in addition, the company does not have a creative idea that could of course, the system does not invest in investment, it a catastrophe that can be fatal with the destruction of the company. Decentralized investment funds in a block platform for investors around the world are an effective philosophy offered by this platform. With the vision and mission of the concept of mutual benefit between the project owner and the owner of the token. With so many markets in the world of crypto-sciences this year, the competitors of many companies that trade or commercialize must have more unique characteristics and creativity,

The way WeberHub works

This company has commercial value, which is very special in every exchange. Providing convenience to potential investors is one of the things that encryption companies can classify in the world, but it provides clear and detailed details and at the same time is a roadmap that determines whether or not the company is paying attention to future investors. potential. If you are looking for a market as a place to negotiate currencies, this is a solution that you can take as one of the main options for a cryptographic trading market based on the blockchain platform. It is equipped with the latest technology platform blockchain Webercoin.
This is one of the commercial markets of currencies and the exchange of cryptography through a market democracy system that has great advantages for shareholders’ profits. Not only this, Webercoin has an advantage that can be explained better than other markets, as a place to trade with cryptography.
Webercoin A new trading platform based on successful blockchain methods that demonstrate the market and change the functioning of the financial ecosystem. This system uses its platform analogues to support the process of negotiating certain types of incredible assets. In addition, this platform also uses its own crypto currency, known as Token trading. The developers hope to create huge liquidity targets that support Token operations to help the owners of tokens. The goal of this platform is to become a leader in converting a lot of financial assets with blockchain technology. After you decide to join this negotiation site, I’m sure that thanks to the experience and creative ideas of the founder, you can continue to invest and start exchanges or exchanges, which, of course,
The future of the Webercoin platform as a first-generation platform that offers solutions to investor problems that can not be timely, and every time changes in the changing encryption market or the usual highs and lows of cryptographic prices make this platform potential users They are ready to receive automatic notifications on their mobile devices. the world, leaving no role. Its goal is to create an ecosystem that conceptualizes mutual benefit between traders and users, as well as a platform that can permanently contribute to income stability. To solve the problems faced by most investors, Webercoin comes to the decision by offering a smart solution with a platform that helps productivity and easy access to your accounts.

  • Token: WBC
  • Platform: Ethereum
  • Price: 1WBC = $ 0.5
  • Soft cap: $ 200,000
  • Hard cap: $ 20,000,000
  • Accepted: ETH, BTC
  • Country: Nigeria
  • Restricted countries: USA, China, Korea
Road map


Author (soplo)
ETH : 0xcBa9A3AC842C203eAAA4C7Cb455CFf50cEe30581

Webercoin Webercoin is the fuel for the ecosystem

Hi ..

For the readers estimated on this occasion, I will discuss the WEBERCOIN project, through articles in a concise and concise manner.

What is Webercoin ico? 
ico is a token that aims to drive the WeberHub, WeberHub itself connects between companies and users on the platform and is easy to use and rewards them for involvement on the platform, all in the ad network system. Using Webercoin, the main token on the platform and other widely used tokens, companies connect better with their customers, and customers get benefits for using the platform.

  • Pre-Sale 03/10/2013 at noon - 04/10/2018 Token noon
  • Sale07 / 28/2018 at noon - 28/08/2018 at noon
  • Token information
  • Token WBC
  • Ethereum platform
  • Token Price 0.5 USD
  • Investment Information
  • Soft cap 200.000 USD
  • Hard cap 20.000.000 USD
  • Accepting ETH
  • Restricted countries No restrictions
  • Know your client Yes
  • Whitelist Yes
  • Pre-sales: 10%
10 March - 10 April 2018 

May 5 - August 28 


- September 2018
Ecosystem development.

- October 2018
Beta test

- November 2018
Native Android / IOS mobile apps.

- February 2019
Implementation of Webercoin on other advertising platforms

- March 2019
Use of Webercoin in retail advertising

- April 2019
Webercoin implementation on trading announcements


Webercoin is the fuel for the ecosystem. It is a form of payment aimed at users of the platform that contribute positively and by users who want to use the platform effectively and help companies grow.

From the above explanation, I suggest joining the Webercoin project. and I am sure that this project will be a success especially having worked with one of Bancor's exchanges, one of the 10 best exchanges in coinmarketcap.



Media Partner


ETH Address : 0xcBa9A3AC842C203eAAA4C7Cb455CFf50cEe30581

Friday, August 17, 2018



Peaceful greetings of the universe, this time I will discuss about ICO or project SUBAJ, thanks for taking time to read this article. Sampean Pancen Ngeten (JOSS).

SUBAJ is a decentralized platform that is created in order to provide traders and buyers with unique opportunities to enter into mutually beneficial, secure transactions. The platform is an innovative trading platform, the developers do everything in order to make it as functional and global as possib

A revolutionary approach to shopping is exactly what the developers of the decentralized SUBAJ platform are offering. Modern services can not boast of perfect security or other solutions that open up new opportunities for users.

Large corporations will be able to issue their domestic currency using the possibilities of the SUBAJ project. This will create a solid client base - imagine that now a subscription to a fitness club can be purchased for a crypto currency. A long membership in this club will be rewarded - users will be able to get good bonuses for work inside the decentralized SUBAJ platform.

In addition, the developers of SUBAJ are going to spend the funds received from the ICO of their prospective project for charity - their priority is poor children. The remaining funds will be spent on marketing and updating the existing functionality. Today, everyone can use the services of the SUBAJ platform - any operations within the system are performed using the project's tokens.

Their acquisition opens new opportunities for clients - they will be able to create their own communities, buy the necessary goods, and also services. At the same time, the blockage guarantees the security of all transactions. The terms of cooperation will be initially specified in the intellectual contract, so they can not be violated.

Project Advantages

Customers can easily identify the different types of offers, discounts and loyalty programs offered by Sellers in a comfortable region for them.
They receive a transparent system where it is easy to interact with traders, regardless of the country in which their firm is located.

Most importantly, customers will be able to redeem the reward points for loyalty received from one merchant in any other retail or retail store.

Companies and merchants should not spend money on paid advertising campaigns, advertising and marketing their products and services. They can instantly notify potential customers and inform them of the various offers, discounts and loyalty programs that they provide through GeoDrop.

Traders will receive the best means of communication with their customers, which allows them to promote goods more efficiently.

SUBAJ Charitable Foundation

In addition to offering significant benefits for all, we also strive for a greater goal of serving disadvantaged children in society. Through the charity foundation SUBAJ, we strive to contribute to humanity by accepting various humanitarian projects. In the SUBAJ charitable foundation, we strive to reduce poverty and create a more meaningful world free from discrimination, sexism, racism and inequality.

The SUBAJ charity is the result of the ongoing efforts of Mr. Adebayo Surakatu, the founder of the SUBAJ group, which was established in Nigeria, West Africa. During his upbringing, he saw a high level of poverty, hunger, poor housing conditions, a shortage of proper medicines and medical facilities in most rural areas throughout the country. Therefore, he seeks to create a better world for the poor, deprived and needy.

Objectives of the SUBAJ Charitable Foundation

Providing a better education system by creating schools and computer centers for the education of poor and low-income children.

Dissemination of information on the Internet, computer and mobile technologies in socio-economically backward regions.

Providing better medical services by opening hospitals, clinics and health centers in poor regions. Improve existing medical facilities by providing the necessary equipment and tools for the treatment of severe infectious diseases and providing adequate vaccines where necessary.


Quantity: 1,500,000,000 SJB
Beginning: 19.07.2018
Settlement: 01.08.2018
July 19-25 5%
July 26-01 August 0%


Two thousand ten
Vision of the Global Trade Rewarding Platform
Two thousand thirteen
Launch of the Digital Commercial Trading Currency Reward Platform
Two thousand sixteen
Launch of an IPO from the Paris Mobile Commerce company Bourse market
Two thousand seventeen
FinTech & Blockchain strategies for trading and prizes
Two thousand and eighteen
June-July 2018
Token sale
November 2018
SUBAJ token development and recording of the Exchange & Wallet Application
December 2018 Trading Platform June 2019. POS July 2019

Bidding options and making Loyalty tokens to sellers

For more information :

My ETH Address : 0xcBa9A3AC842C203eAAA4C7Cb455CFf50cEe30581


Hasil gambar untuk ALPHATECA ico image

Что такое Альфатека?
Alphateca - это глобальный криптомаркет, в котором любой пользователь может действовать как покупатель или продавец, продавать или приобретать разные услуги или использовать криптовалютность в качестве платежного средства. Представьте себе, что вам нужно всего 10 минут, чтобы создать свой собственный кошелек (ссылку), не выходя из дома, идите в Alphateca и предложите свой планшет, автомобиль, яхту, песню собственного состава или редкий артефакт популярной компьютерной игры для продажи всего за несколько кликов! Десятки тысяч людей каждый день видят ваш предмет - кому-то это понравится. За очень короткое время вы можете найти покупателя, заплатить за криптовалют и безопасно купить предметы, которые вам нужны, из сотен категорий, расположенных на криптомаркете. Вам не нужно снимать валюту со всей криптосистемы - вы можете заплатить за любой продукт или услугу прямо из вашего cryptowallet.
Он также работает с другими видами товаров, например, с цифровой интеллектуальной собственностью. Вы можете распространять свои аудио, электронные книги, компьютерные игры, фотографии и многое другое с помощью криптовалютики по всему миру. Alphateca - отличный способ монетизировать ваш творческий потенциал. Среди сотен тысяч пользователей по всему миру есть те, кто оценит ваше творчество и сможет купить копию для себя.
На Alphateca сама криптовалюта может быть товаром - например: вы кладете несколько монет Ethereum в продажу и указываете, сколько криптовых валют вы хотите взамен. Этот процесс аналогичен обмену криптовалютами, но позволяет избежать обменных комиссий и задержек, поскольку на самом деле это транзакция обмена.
В общем, Alphateca - это международная торговая платформа, где пользователь может продавать или покупать любой продукт с подходящей криптовалютой, экономя время и деньги.

Каковы особенности Alphateca
Работа с Alphateca основана на двух принципах: лояльности к деньгам и глобальном желании продвигать использование криптовалюты в повседневной жизни.
Запуск вашей работы на платформе Alphateca довольно прост. Дружественный интерфейс, знакомые изображения и простой язык позволят вам понять основные принципы всего за несколько минут. Мы подготовили для вас современный и удобный раздел поддержки, который включает в себя все необходимые материалы для изучения криптографии с помощью статей и видео. Ответы на часто задаваемые вопросы (FAQ) можно найти на веб-сайте в соответствующем разделе. Вы можете обсудить проблемы или предложения по улучшению сайта на форуме. Активные пользователи форума получают рейтинг и особое достижение, отображаемое на их счете.
На платформе есть несколько бесплатных функций: предмет размещения, аукцион и т. Д., Но есть также платные услуги, такие как реклама, создание магазина, гарант и некоторые другие. Вы можете использовать их с криптовалютами или жетонами, которые могут быть получены во время кампании ICO. Любой пользователь, который поддерживает Alphateca в любом месте за плату, получит бонусные токены, индивидуальные достижения, отображенные в профиле и повлиявшие на рейтинг и общий уровень доверия к аккаунту.

Возможности пользователя платформы Alphateca
Крипто-сообщество выглядит только закрытым и непонятным, но на самом деле все просто и понятно, когда есть кто-то, кто хочет его объяснить. Чтобы раскрыть свой потенциал на платформе Alphateca, мы подготовили подробный учебник по нашему каналу YouTube. Там вы можете найти основные понятия, относящиеся к миру, ответы на часто задаваемые вопросы
Преимущества платформы:
• Все в одном: многочисленные товары и услуги собираются на одной платформе, что очень удобно использовать. Всего за несколько кликов вы можете найти интересующий вас автомобиль, связаться с продавцами автомобильных расходных материалов и аксессуаров, техническими услугами, ближайшей автомойкой или даже салоном - все это, не покидая платформы.
• По всему миру: покупатели и продавцы со всего мира встречаются в одном месте - на платформе Alphateca. При посещении другой страны вы можете легко найти товары и услуги в своем городе или регионе. Представьте себе, насколько просто будет покупать или арендовать все, что вам нужно, без комиссий агентства или потери интереса при обмене валюты вашей страны на местном уровне. Вы просто приезжаете в свой любимый город, чтобы расслабиться, перейдите в Alphateca, выберите продукт или услугу в соответствии с местом пребывания, нажмите кнопку «связаться с продавцом», и продавец мгновенно получает предупреждение с платформы.
• Быстрые и дешевые транзакции. Сетевая комиссия за транзакцию криптовалюты будет намного меньше, чем банковские. Из-за снижения стоимости товара конечная цена товара может быть ниже для покупателей. Сделка не подлежит дополнительным расходам и не теряет процент при передаче в другую страну. Cryptocurrency доставляется на счет продавца в течение минут независимо от расстояния.
• Удобство транзакций: все необходимые инструменты транзакций уже находятся на платформе: безопасная и быстрая покупка криптовалюта за несколько кликов, конверсия между любой из существующих валют.
• Широкий маркетинговый охват: наша маркетинговая стратегия предполагает постепенную автономную и онлайн-рекламу по всему миру. Мы также полагаемся на ваш положительный опыт использования платформы, и мы надеемся, что вы поделитесь ею со своими друзьями и коллегами.
• Децентрализация: главная особенность успешного глобального проекта. Ваши транзакции не зависят от рабочего времени банков, праздников и выходных. Технология Blockchain доступна 24/7 и позволяет выполнять самые прозрачные операции, сохраняя при этом конфиденциальность пользователя.
• Современная служба поддержки создается в виде руководства, чтобы поддерживать удобную платформу на всех этапах решения проблем. Вам не нужно создавать учетную запись платформы для получения справки - вся информация доступна без авторизации. Полезная информация делится на следующие разделы: FAQ; форум, на котором сообщество сообщества отвечает на вопросы пользователей, получая репутацию и достижения; прямая поддержка через удобную форму; видеоуроки по использованию веб-сайта; специальный раздел для партнеров; и блог с обзорами инноваций.
• Гарантийное обслуживание. Пользователи платформы всегда могут использовать услуги провайдера для проведения безопасной транзакции. Гарант является посредником между продавцом и покупателем. Он контролирует условия сделки и является первым этапом арбитража. Например, вы собираетесь купить драгоценный металл с криптовалютой - и вы уже нашли продавца на Alphateca. Используя услугу «Гарант», вы переводите сумму в безопасную учетную запись, которая замораживается до конца транзакции. Покупатель и продавец осуществляют сделку; гарант следит за соблюдением всех тонкостей и выполнением всех обязательств. Как только он удостоверился в положительном результате, криптовалюта переходит от замороженной учетной записи к продавцу, а покупатель получает драгоценный металл. В противном случае,
Гарантийное обслуживание чрезвычайно полезно при заключении PR или рекламных сделок с представителями средств массовой информации и лидерами общественного мнения. Покупатель предоставляет гарантию требования к рекламным материалам: время, место и содержание, продавец выполняет свою роль, а поручитель контролирует выполнение обязательств с обеих сторон.
• Удержание: у покупателя есть возможность поместить платеж на удержание на некоторое время. Это полностью автоматическая система, которая переводит покупателя в безопасный кошелек продавца и передает через некоторое время (период удержания). Наличие Hold в транзакции не позволяет покупателю обманывать, с одной стороны, и подтверждает свои серьезные намерения для продавца, с другой стороны. Держите, например, отличный инструмент при планировании праздников и аренды жилья. Удержание автоматически «разморожено» в день прибытия, если покупатель не был отменен платеж по любой причине. Присутствие Держателя гарантирует продавцу, что вся сумма была уплачена покупателем, а покупатель может проверить условия, указанные в объявлении аренды, до дальнейшего движения средств.
• Частный аукцион. Любой продавец может инициировать частный аукцион и отправлять инвестиции тем лицам, которых он хочет видеть в качестве участников сделки. Предположим, у вас есть редкий предмет, который может быть узким кругом коллекционеров. Вы заполняете fly-страницу; выберите время проведения аукциона, его условия и его тип - «частный». В вашем личном аккаунте вы получите прямую ссылку на аукцион, а затем можете отправить его по электронной почте, SMS, телеграфу или на веб-сайте тем, кто вас интересует. Приглашенный пользователь сможет создать криптовую учетную запись и немедленно пополнить ее или использовать существующий. Результаты аукциона будут объявлены участникам по электронной почте и на личном счете на платформе.
Участники могут получить поддержку на веб-сайте. Участники, которые покупают токены во время ICO, получают серьезный бонус в зависимости от времени и объема поддержки. Маркер ATEC можно передавать, что позволяет пользователям перемещаться между учетными записями как внутри, так и снаружи платформы.
Во время запуска платформы услуга будет доступна, чтобы пользователи, у которых есть токены, чтобы их обменять на криптовалютность. Потенциальный обменный курс будет обеспечен спросом на услуги веб-сайта. После завершения ICO фактическая стоимость одного токена при покупке услуг составит 0,15 доллара США, но для участников ICO мы предлагаем возможность покупать токены по цене 0,075 доллара и получать существенный бонус.

Выброс и распределение токенов ATEC
Полная эмиссия - 177 000 000 ATEC
Предварительная продажа - 19 000 000 ATEC
ICO - 155 000 000 ATEC
Bounty - 1 500 000 ATEC
Подарочные карты - 1 500 000 ATEC
Токены ICO и токены Bounty не будут заблокированы. Токены будут выплачиваться всем участникам через две недели после окончания ICO.
Токены подарочных карт будут заблокированы до ввода PIN-кода в личную учетную запись пользователя.

Предварительная продажа (15-25 июня).
Фиксированный бонус - 25%.
Ограничение токенов - 19 000 000 ATEC (для продажи около 15 000 000 ATEC)
1 ETH = 7 000 ATEC
0,077 BTC = 7 000 ATEC
Минимальная покупка - 0,5 ETH
ICO (1 июля - 1 августа)
Ограничение токена - 125 000 000 ATEC (для продажи около ATEC 100 000 000).
Суммируются бонусы за время и сумму.
1 ETH = 7 000 ATEC
0,077 BTC = 7 000 ATEC
Ориентировочная стоимость токена в fiat - 0,075 $ (обменный курс ETH 525 $)
SoftCap - 1 000 000 $
HardCap - 10 000 000 $
В случае максимального бонуса мы можем продать 124 000 000 ATEC. Минимальная покупка - 0,2 ETH

для получения дополнительной информации посетите приведенные ниже ссылки:
Технический документ:

ETH : 0xcBa9A3AC842C203eAAA4C7Cb455CFf50cEe30581

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Driveholic is a revolutionary platform that facilitates trade within the Community

Image result for Driveholic ico image

Greetings to the whole community, I am passionate about the crypto coins and a follower of good projects. In this new publication I would like to introduce you to the DRIVEHOLIC project. I'm sure you've heard a lot about Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Crytocurrencies, ICO ... but DRIVEHOLIC blockchain is the coolest, and for more details we're going to the following topics:

If we observe how society has evolved, from tribal societies we have moved to a different social structure in the modern world where people work in a specialized way and can do so in a global environment, from anywhere in the world due to the advent of technology and Internet.

Buy the car of your dreams with crypto!

The goal of Driveholic is to create a social vehicle market that allows all cars to be processed in cryptography without depending on the fiduciary currency or limit by the inmates. Explore site: https: //

A decentralized market of social vehicles

Driveholic is a revolutionary platform that facilitates trade within the Community

Purchase / Sale / Auction

Driveholic allows you to buy, sell and auction new and used cars from vendors and private dealers around the world in the largest blockchain based e-commerce environment. You can pay with cryptocurrencies for the car you want with low transaction rates and with the security of a cashless payment process.

Global Car Marketplace

Due to the decentralized nature of blockchain, Driveholic is a truly global platform that is not restricted by any geographical boundary.

Eliminate Middeman

With smart contracts, you do not need intermediaries for transactions. Our escrow system based on smart contracts will provide security to buyers and sellers. And there will be no transaction fee through Driveholic tokens (DRVH)! 

If you want more information about this project and you want to obtain information about technical specifications and other interesting information, we can only encourage you to read a detailed report with which you can get an idea of

the size of the project and its possible expansion and applications. We invite you to visit the WEBSITE and get in touch with us through the Telegram group. Do not miss this great opportunity that this great team offers you.

Social interactions

A defining feature of the Driveholic platform is the fusion of social interaction and commerce into a single digital platform. The traditional interactivity in social media will bring an element of confidence to the commercial experience. The platform will also integrate other interactions to promote beneficial social behavior.


Instead of an initial offer of coins, the project will deploy an air-launch phase and a reward phase. The project will distribute 900,000,000 tokens to all EOS holders who have an EOS token balance of more than 100 in a 1: 1 ratio.


We have a generous rewards program designed for existing members of the community and new members. Please visit our reward thread for more information.
Visit the thread: https: // Topic = 4627056

Distribution of tokens
900,000,000 tokens will be launched from the air to Genesis snapshot addresses with more than 100 EOS tokens in a 1: 1 ratio

Road map

  • Q1, 2018 Launch of the social network platform (live)
  • Q2, 2018 Bounty (live)
  • Q3, 2018 Airdrop
  • Q4, 2018 Market launch
  • Q1, 2019 Launch of mobile applications
Join our team and buy your TOKENS DRIVEHOLIC and enjoy the benefits offered by the most advantageous platform in the market. Do not waste any more time and join our Telegram group so that you can communicate with us and clarify any questions you may have. Do not miss this great opportunity offered by the DRIVEHOLIC project.

Take advantage of the available bonuses from the early stages of pre-sale. (ICO). Visit our WEBSITE so you can find out more about the benefits of this great project.

To discover more. You can connect more with Driveholic in the following link:

ETH : 0xcBa9A3AC842C203eAAA4C7Cb455CFf50cEe30581

Saturday, August 11, 2018

MYTC Network is designed to unite small

Hasil gambar untuk mytc ico image

Hello everyone, If you're interested in joining MYTC project, it's a good idea to read reviews that can help you get information that might help you in viewing their mission vision:

About MYTC

MYTC was founded with the idea to help small and medium businesses trade and barter globally using a decentralised trading platform.

With many existing trading services, users are restricted in a number of ways: 1) access to members of other platforms is limited; 2) they are charged excessively high fees; 3) they have to go through a centralised ledger; 4) users cannot always trade without members; and 5) businesses are restricted by only being able to trade with entities that they know, or are located close-by.

MYTC seeks to change all that. They intend to create a decentralised platform for small/ medium enterprises to use a common currency to conduct reciprocal trades and barters. MYTC seeks to help small businesses improve themselves through the use of digital cash on the revolutionary block chain technology.


MYTC Network is designed to unite small medium enterprises globally to enjoy the ability to conduct reciprocal trade/barter with each other:
MYTC Merchants shall offer their goods and services through the MYTC platform
Buyers (other merchants and the community) will have the ability to purchase these goods and services and pay the merchants with MYTC Tokens
The merchants will be able to then save or spend those tokens with other merchants within the MTYC ecosystem
Members will be able to access their tokens anywhere in the world and barter/trade with anyone around the world


Our pre-TGE target is 1,500 ETH with a hard cap of 5000 ETH. IF YOU WANT TO GET IN on our preliminary offering please subscribe via our website and you will receive regular updates about the progress of our crowdsale and project milestones.

Start Date: 01st August 2018, 12:00(GMT)
Duration: 31 days
Soft Cap: 1,500 ETH
Hard Cap: 5,000 ETH
Price: 1 ETH = 10000 MYTC
Payment method: ETH
Min Purchase: 0.1 ETH
Total token supply: 50,000,000 MYTC


The token generation event will continue funding for development and adoption of the MYTC ecosystem and platform.

Start Date: 1st September 2018, 12:00 (GTM)
Duration: 30 days
Soft Cap: 3,500 ETH
Hard Cap: 17,800 ETH
Payment method: ETH
Min Purchase: 0.1 ETH
Total token supply: 112,000,000 MYTC

You can participate in the crowd sale only with ETH currency. The address will be announced at the first day of the TGE.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not send Ether directly from an exchange (such as Binance, Poloniex, Kraken, Coinbase, Coinspot). You will NOT be able to join the TGE and receive your MYTC tokens if you send directly from an exchange!

  • November 2017 : Team Building
  • December 2017 : Idea Development
  • January 2018 : Technical Specification
  • Strategic partnerships and alliances formed
  • February 2018 : Design draft
  • White Paper creation
  • Business company formation
  • March 2018 : Marketing and Token initialisation
  • Website deployment
  • Creation of smart contracts
  • Creation of ERC 20 token
  • April 2018 : Creation of business registry prototype
  • Creation of consumer registry prototype
  • May 2018 : White paper release
  • Marketing campaign begins
  • June 2018 : Smart Contract development
  • AUSTRAC registration
  • July 2018 : Smart Contract deployment
  • White paper final version release
  • Bounty campaign begins
  • August 2018 : PreTGE begins
  • September 2018 : Commencement of Token Generation Event
  • Development and release of MVP
  • Commencement of MYTC Core development
  • October 2018 : Completion of TGE
  • Beta version platform development; testing exchange APIs
  • Begin cryptocurrency exchange registration
  • Tokens release for bounties
  • November 2018 : MYTC Core deployment
  • Begin platform development version
  • Team expansion
  • 2018 (4th Quarter) : Extensive Marketing of MYTC and MYTC Token
  • Independent Security Test of platform
  • Commencement of mobile apps (IOS and Android) development version 1.
  • Independent Security test of platform and app (iOS and android)
  • Sign partnership agreement with Australian exchanges
  • 2019 (1st Quarter) : Release of app (iOS and android) version 1.0
  • Release first version of MYTC platform
  • 2019 (2nd Quarter) : Update and enhance mobile apps (iOS and android)
  • Platform Release Version 2.0
  • Consolidate partnerships with Different Australian barter/trade exchanges
  • 2019 (3rd Quarter) : Expand office into Thailand
  • Expand offices into Vietnam
  • 2019 (4th Quarter) : Expand offices into Singapore
  • Expand offices into Malaysia
  • 2020 : Expand offices into USA
  • 2021 : Expand offices into UK
  • 2022 : Expand offices into China
  • 2023 : expand office into Europe
To find more relevant details of the Mytc project please follow some resources for the following references:

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Magnus Collective Platform-Benutzer auf sichere

Hasil gambar untuk magnus ico image

Magnus Collective ist die erste duale (Ethereum und Neo) dezentrale Blockchain - Plattform ICO, die Robotik und Künstliche Intelligenz (AI) in das Blockchain - Netzwerk integriert und somit Benutzern von Magnus Platform die Möglichkeit bietet, Robotics - Plattformen zu verleasen und KI - Fertigkeiten zu vermarkten globaler Markt für Wissen. Dies wird durch die P2P (Peer-to-Peer) -Funktionalität des Blockchain-Netzwerks ermöglicht, die letztendlich garantiert, dass alle Aktivitäten der Magnus Collective Platform-Benutzer auf sichere, transparente und effiziente Weise ausgeführt werden.

Magnus Collective bietet einfach die besten Lösungen, wenn es darum geht, Robotics- und AI-Automatisierungswerkzeugen dabei zu helfen, besser zu kommunizieren, Daten auszutauschen, Anfragen zu stellen und sich gegenseitig zu kompensieren. Der Algorithmus und die ergonomische Logik, mit der die Magnus Platform entworfen wurde, macht den Kauf und Verkauf aller Dienste sehr nahtlos und einfach und stellt auch sicher, dass alle Benutzer einen einfachen und direkten Zugang haben. Mit Hilfe der Magnus Collective-Plattform ist der globale Zugriff auf Robotik- und AI-Lösungen gewährleistet.

Token- und ICO-Informationen 
  • Name der Plattform: Magnus Collective 
  • Ticker: MGS- 
  • Plattform Basiert auf: Ethereum- und Neo- 
  • Token-Typen: ERC-20 und NEP-5 
  • Token Typ : Hilfswährungen 
  • für ICO akzeptiert: ETH 
  • ICO Preis: 1MGS = 0.66 US-Dollar 
  • Total ICO Token-Vorrat: 118.200.200 
  • Soft Cap: 1.000 ETH- 
  • Hard Cap: 30.000 nicht verkaufte GS-Marken 
  • : Wird verbrannt. 
  • Hinweis: Von den insgesamt für ICO gelieferten Token. 85% der Tokens werden mit dem gesamten ICO & Pre ICO vergeben, während 15% an das Magnus Internal Team verteilt werden.

Fonds Anteil 
Die generierten Mittel nach den ICO - Token Verkäufen werden in der folgenden Dimension verteilt werden: 
  • 30 Prozent der Summe aus dem ICO erzeugt Mittel werden an Magnus Förderprogramme verteilt werden. 
  • 17 Prozent der gesamten vom ICO generierten Mittel werden der Magnus Market Making Reserve zugeteilt. 
  • 15 Prozent der gesamten aus der ICO generierten Mittel sollen für Magnus Angel Investors reserviert werden. 
  • 15 Prozent der gesamten Mittel, die aus dem ICO stammen, sind für den Magnus Community Fund reserviert. 
  • 10 Prozent der gesamten vom ICO generierten Mittel sollen für Magnus Innovation Accelerator bereitgestellt werden. 
  • 8 Prozent der gesamten Mittel, die aus dem ICO stammen, sind der Magnus Development Fund.
  • 5 Prozent der gesamten vom ICO generierten Mittel sollen für Belohnungen aus dem Bounty-Programm verwendet werden.

Einige Vorteile von Magnus und warum Sie MGS-Tokens kaufen sollten 
Magnus-Projekt ICO gibt Käufern von MGS-Tokens Boni, die bei ICO bis zu 60% wert sind. 
Inhaber von MGS-Tokens können ihre Tokens zum Abstecken verwenden, um Transaktionsgebühren aus dem kollektiven Netzwerk zu erhalten. 
Inhaber eines MGS-Tokens können ihre Token tatsächlich dazu verwenden, zum Kryptowährungsraum beizutragen. 
Inhaber von MGS-Tokens können ihre Token benutzen, um Roboterplattformen im kollektiven Netzwerk zu leasen. 
Inhaber von MGS-Token können ihre Tokens konvertieren, um physische Plattformen für Robotik zu mieten, wo dies erforderlich ist.

Um dieses großartige Projekt innerhalb kurzer Zeit zu verwirklichen, bedarf es Unterstützung. Im Rahmen der Möglichkeit, jedem die Möglichkeit zu geben, an diesem Projekt teilzunehmen, hat das Magnus Collective Project Team begonnen, Tokens zu verkaufen, um sicherzustellen, dass niemand mehr übrig bleibt aus.

Angesichts dessen empfehle ich allen, möglichst viele MGS-Token zu kaufen, um die Teilnahme zu gewährleisten.



Für weitere Informationen über Magnus Collective und / oder wie Käufe ihrer MGS Token gemacht werden können, besuchen Sie bitte einen der folgenden Links:

My ETH Address : 0xcBa9A3AC842C203eAAA4C7Cb455CFf50cEe30581

AQUEST progressively open for boundless use

WHAT IS AQUEST Aquest is a one of a kind decentralized application that pays you for finishing a certain assignment. Straightforward ...